BantuFirst Stone Age archaeology fieldwork in Kwilu Province, DRC

From July 13 until July 27, 2023, Prof. Igor Matonda (UNIKIN, Kinshasa), Dr. Isis Mesfin (Museum of Natural History in Paris), Isidore Nkanu (UNIKIN, Kinshasa), and Ilo Ondel Holy (IMNC, Kinshasa) carried out a short fieldwork mission focussing on the Stone Age archaeology of the Bagata and Luani sites in the Kwilu Province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Isidore Nkanu & Isis Mesfin
Igor Matonda, Isidore Nkanu, and Isis Mesfin
Igor Matonda
Ilo Ondel Holy
Isidore Nkanu & Isis Mesfin
Boat from Kinshasa to Bandunduville
Aeroplane from Banduduville to Kinshasa
Lithic point