- BantUGent – UGent Centre for Bantu Studies which aims to continue and to broaden the work undertaken within the ERC-funded KongoKing (2010-2016) and BantuFirst (2018-2022) projects, the BELSPO-funded CongoConnect (2015-2019) project, as well as associated projects within the field of Bantu Studies, and formalises the de facto research culture of about two dozen researchers who work together towards similar goals.
- African Studies at Ghent University.
- Department of Languages and Cultures.
- Archives des datations radiocarbone d’Afrique centrale (aDRAC) The archive for radiocarbon datings from Central Africa (aDRAC) aims at delivering a reliable and free to use dataset containing all available radiocarbon datings from Central Africa.
- African Archaeology Virtual Library: since 2005 the African Archaeology web site is also included in the WWW Virtual Library History Central Catalogue: Bibliography of Angola – Bibliography of DRC – Bibliography of Congo – Bibliography on the palaeo-environment of Central Africa
- Gents Afrika Platform (GAP). The Ghent Africa Platform (GAP) is an umbrella organisation of several, sometimes very diverse, ‘actors’ belonging to the Ghent University Association (AUGent), which focus on the African continent (and/or on the African Diaspora).
- Kwilu Bantu : Documentation of cultural heritage in three endangered Bantu languages of the Kwilu (DRC)
- KongoKing The archived web site of the KongoKing research project active from 2012 to 2016 with archaeological and linguistics fieldwork carried out in the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Angola.