BantuFirst at the 26th Biennial SAFA Meeting at Rice University

The BantuFirst project presented several papers at the 26th Biennial Meeting of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists which took place at Rice University (Houston), June 1-6, 2023.

  1. Igor Matonda, Peter Coutros, Jessamy Doman & Koen Bostoen, Mapping the Archaeological Landscape of the Kwilu-Kasaï River Network, DRC;
  2. Koen Bostoen, Peter Coutros & Carina Schlebusch, Interdisciplinary Approach to the Origins of the Niger-Congo Phylum: Genes, Languages, and Stuff;
  3. Sara Pacchiarotti, Peter Coutros, Jessamy Doman, Guy Kouarata, Igor Matonda, & Koen Bostoen Were they really the first Bantu speakers south of the Congo rainforest?